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Download Copyright Notice:


NOTICE: Although downloads are FREE, the file you are about to download may contain copyrighted material.

In some cases the developers have multiple restrictions on the use of these files and we ask that you read

them carefully. These copyrights belong to the respective developers and must be followed under copyright law.

Some files are distributed as shareware which means they are not to be used without payment or purchase to

the original developer after a trial evaluation period.

Please be sure you do not violate these restrictions.

Train-Sim.Com appreciates your help in supporting the developers who provide these quality add-ons.


People frequently download files but don't know what to do with them after they have them on their own computer.

There is no one way to install every possible file, but there is one thing you must always do: READ THE DOCS.

Every file you download will have a "readme" or some sort of text or .doc file included which will have

instructions on how to use the file. Make sure that you read it.


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